Knives Illustrated: "4 Sharp steel concealed carry." by Abe Elias
October 25, 2012
"Blackhawk's XSF-Micro is trim and great for inline horizontal belt carry when tethered with the bead chain."
"Innovative edge geometry: BESH Wedge. One of the newest innovations to hit edge geometry is the Besh Wedge, created by Brent Beshara, of Newfoundland, Canada."
"Brent started grinding dual-edge blades with opposing chisel grinds. This grind results in the body of the blade having a chisel grind on each side of the blade, as well as a slotted tip, instead of a pinpoint tip."
"As the body of the blade flows back from the tip, it has full support, making the design very aggressive and strong for thrusting duties."